The 5% variation rule

The 5% variation rule

The R-Codes fundamentals are governed by the average and minimum lot sizes for each subdivision development. The 5% variation rule is a powerful tool available for developers to maximize the potential and lot yield for the property. The rule can be applied to the average lot size within the subdivision. It can also be applied to reduce one subplot to 5% below the usual minimum size. It’s important to note that the 5% variation is granted at the discretion of WAPC and further justification may need to be provided by the applicant to receive the benefit. Using the example of a 2-lot Survey Strata subdivision at R20 zoning, the usual total development size is 900m². After applying the 5% variation rule, the total development size can be reduced by 45m² to 855m². On the same development, the original house to retain may be positioned in such a way that the proposed rear lot does not meet the 350m² minimum sizes. WAPC can grant a 5% variation to this one lot and allow it to be reduced to 333m². The 5% variation rule is applicable to all properties between the R10 and R35 zoning codes. 

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