Case Study 1:

2 Lot Green Title Subdivision – 91 Buntine Road, Wembley Downs

This subdivision ran smoothly and was completed within a quick timeframe of 6 months. Land Subdivision Perth offered full project management of the subdivision, from initial Surveying and site works through to registered land Titles.

Case Study No.2:

2 Lot Survey-Strata – 23 Dorchester Avenue, Warwick

The owner of this property constructed a new dwelling, then engaged our services to assist with a 2 lot Survey Strata subdivision. The new dwelling had its own garage with street front access.

Case Study 3:

8 Lot Survey Strata Subdivision – 23 Marginson Drive, Landsdale

This subdivision was fairly complex with many layers of work involved and was completed within a time frame of 12 months. The owners were fortunate to have the 8 blocks on the market when the 2019/2020 building grants were introduced and as a result netted a $300,000 profit on the project.

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